Our mission is to provide food, emergency, transitional, and permanent affordable housing, as well as counseling and life skills training, to equip homeless and low-income individuals and families to improve their lives and become self-supporting members of society.
Housing - Emergency Shelter is available to unaccompanied adults for up to 90 days. Transitional Housing for single mothers, families, and unaccompanied adults is an intermediate phase toward permanent housing. Also as a Step Up program for recovering abuse victims and substance abusers. Clients may stay up to one year while they save money and develop budgeting and life skills to help ensure their success when they leave our program. Permanent Affordable Housing is for clients who have achieved self-sufficiency. Hope Ministries makes every effort to place graduating transitional clients into our own affordable units when available.
Haven is a transitional supportive housing program for battered women and their children who would like help overcoming the challenges that prevent them from becoming self-sufficient.
RENEW program for ETOH and drug abuse recovery
- Financial Counseling
- Budgeting
- Money Management
- Consumer Credit Counseling
- Communication Skills
- Communication Workshops
- Support Groups
- Relationships
- Current Issues
- Domestic Violence
- Anger Management
- Personal Welfare
- Self-esteem
- Health Awareness
- Dependencies and Addictions
- Substance Abuse Counseling
- Nutrition Classes
- Child Welfare
- Child Counseling
- Tutoring Referral
- Parenting Classes
- Mentoring Program
- Children's Reading Program
- Street: P.O. Box 2424
- City: Prescott
- State: AZ
- Postcode: 86302
- Telephone: (928) 642-3758 or 928-460-0211
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Website: http://www.hopeministriesaz.org
- Wednesday, 01 October 2014